
For further information related to Belgian events, contact the Coordinator:
Dr Viviane Pierrard
President of the Belgian Physical Society
3 avenue Circulaire
1180 Brussels, Belgium
tel: +32 2 373 0418 fax: +32 2 374 84 23

Useful links:
WYP in Brussels:
WYP in Gent:
WYP in Liège:
WYP in Louvain:
WYP in Louvain-la-Neuve:
WYP in Mons:
WYP in Namur:


The Belgian Physical Society (BPS) coordinates and the different activities in Belgium and promotes them in the media.

Download the calendar of the activities (2nd semester): pdf file

Large public activities:

  • Technopolis (in Mechelen) present during the year 2005 nice exhibitions, physical experiences, shows and demonstrations for the large public and will organize an electronic rally on classical physics. KUL works with Technopolis for stands and demonstrations about modern physics. Four conferences will also be organized in April in Technopolis about Einstein 1905-2005. A truck with physical experiences called EXPERION will also be open in 2005.

  • Scientastic in Brussels (next to Grand Place) proposes to explore 90 funny experiments on physics and illusions. Einstein will be honored in 2005 with a specific experiment to understand relativity and the possibility to have one's picture taken with Albert Einstein.

  • IASB-BIRA, IRM-KMI, ORB-KMS and Planetarium organize a Space expo starting in May 2005 in the Planetarium of Brussels on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Belgium.

  • UGent (Universiteit Gent) will organize in Gent Saturdays of Physics for the general public. Some Saturday mornings (spread during the year from February to autumn), lectures will be given, combined with demonstration from the past: 12-3- 2005 Physics show 2-4-2005 Quantum mechanics 23-4-2005 Medical Physics 21-5-2005 Physics of bicycles 8-10-2005 Astronautics and cosmology 29-10-2005 Physics and economy 19-11-2005 Energy 10-12-2005 Relativity theory, from quarks to cosmos In the framework of a cine-club, old movies related to physics (like science fiction and Marie Curie movies for instances) will also be projected...

  • The Euro Space Center (Transinne) organizes the New Space Odyssey to follow the evolution of space exploration from the very beginning to future projects. You will come near a real size model of the Orbiter and the Columbus module. Euro Space Center organizes also events for companies.

  • ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) will organize a Solvay-type Conference on "Cosmology" with prestigious guests. Stephen Hawking may possibly be present. One day will be open for the large public (Brussels, December 3, 2005)

  • ULB and VUB will also organize an exhibition "E=mc2" for high school students and the large public (Brussels, October 2005-March 2006). Parentville museum (Charleroi) will also participate.

  • La Société Royale Belge d'Astronomie, de Météorologie et de Physique du Globe (SRBA) organizes conferences each second Thursday of the month at 20h00 at KMI-IRM (Brussels) and also lectures for initiation to astronomy, meteorology, and cosmology some Saturdays. Inscription necessary! PAF for non members. Conferences (Thursday, 20h00) 13-1-2005: Marie-France Loutre "Une projection climatique pour les 100000 prochaines années. Est-ce possible?" 10-2-2005: Patricia Lampens "Pour moi, ce sera une triple" 10-3-2005 Marc Vandiepenbeeck "Instruments météo d'hier et d'aujourd'hui" 14-4-2005: André Lausberg "Vers la détection des ondes gravitationnelles" Lectures for initiation to Astronomy (Saturdays, 14h30-16h00): 5-3-2005, 16-4-2005, 21-5-2005: Astronomie Planétaire 19-2-2005: Séance spéciale "Explications Ephémérides et phénomènes célestes 2005" Seminars (Saturday, 14h00-17h00): 29-1-2005: René Dejaiffe "Spécial Mars: une opposition à ne pas rater" Lectures on meteorology (Saturday, 10h00-13h00): 26-2-2005: Marc Vandiepenbeeck "A propos des prévisions saisonnières" 19-3-2005: Marc Vandiepenbeeck "Les nouvelles technologies instrumentales" In 2005, SRBA organizes a contest entitled "Ciel et Terre" with very nice prizes (astronomy instruments, telescopes, binoculars, books, subscriptions to Ciel et Terre...). See info on the contests in Ciel et Terre, March-April 2004. Up to 31-1-2005. Prizes awarded 19-3-2005. Program and inscription:

  • UMH (Université Mons-Hainaut) organizes during the year Conferences on Physics and Astronomy and seminars on Physics history entitled "From Galilée to Einstein". In March (probably 7 to 19), a Foucault pendule will be installed in the Cathédrale Ste Waudru (Mons) with an exhibition on Earth rotation. From April 11 to 28, an exhibition "Histoire d'ondes" is organized with experiments on waves. Activities at the Planetarium are also planned.

  • KULeuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) will organize an exhibition on "Einstein 1905-2005" in the science library of KUL (Campus Arenberg, Heverlee), during 6 weeks starting from March 2, 2005. This exhibition will be repeated in Kortrijk (K.U.Leuven campus) starting 22 April 2005. At the time of the exhibition, lectures and cultural activities are planned to promote public awareness. KULeuven also plans to organize activities in Leuven like "a tourist science walk" in collaboration with the tourism office of Leuven (starting in May).

  • Physics enlightens the world: The global WYP 2005 event "Physics enlightens the world" will take place on 18 April 2005. At the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Einstein's death, a laser beam will start in Princeton shining in western direction. Upon this signal, observers of the beam activate their light source. In a very productive discussion with people concerned about the environmental effects of the light ray around the globe the content has been developed further, including strong components of environmental education. To participate, visit the Website: -> Global Projects -> Physics enlightens the world

  • The Comité National de Physique-Nationaal Comité voor Natuurkunde will organize a conference on future energy, ITER and fusion entitled "1905-2005: from Einstein to fusion" on Saturday March 5, 2005 at the Academy Palace in Brussels. Dias and copies of the conferences in French and Dutch. Program: Morning: Prof. W. D'haeseleer (KUL): Algemene problematiek van de energievorrading Prof. A. Berger (UCL): Répercussion de l'énergie sur le climat et l'environnement Afternoon: Prof. N. Lopes-Cardozo (FOM-Niewegzin): Introduction to controlled fusion R. Aymar (Dir. of CERN): ITER

  • FUNDP (Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix of Namur) will organize large audience evenings on physics and physicists that draw big changes in the description of the universe and/or gave rise to important technology advances. The originality of the project states in the animation of conferences by theatrical performances involving famous physicist like Einstein, Newton or Galilee. Students in Physics of FUNDP will also present their experiments in an exhibition during the Printemps des sciences, from 14 to 20 March 2005.

  • L'extension ULB Eau d'heure organizes Conferences some Wednesdays at 20h00 at the Centre de Culture Scientifique de l'ULB à COUILLET (Campus de Parentville : Rue de Villers, 227; R3 Sortie "Blanche Borne") PAF : 5 EUR - 4 EUR - 2,5 EUR (Déclic) - Gratis (- 14 years; Passeport CT-ULB) 12 -1- 2005 : Les ÉTOILES et les GALAXIES... André KOECKELENBERGH (ULB) 26-1 & 09-3-2005* : 2 Cours de "CALCUL ASTRONOMIQUE" André KOECKELENBERGH (ULB) (on Reservation) 23-2-2005: LUNETTES et TÉLÉSCOPES : Quelques Règles d'Optique... André KOECKELENBERGH (ULB) 13-4-2005 : Les TERMES du BILAN RADIATIF de la TERRE : Observations de l'Instrument GERB du Satellite MSG1 Dominique CROMMELYNCK (ULB) 27-4-2005, 20h00:La MATIÈRE ORGANIQUE dans l'UNIVERS : Quid de la "VIE EXTRATERRESTRE 11-5-2005: Le TEMPS et l'ESPACE : La Mesure du Temps... André KOECKELENBERGH (ULB)

  • Le Centre de Culture Scientifique de l'ULB à Couillet organizes also the Month of Experimentarium on the topic "Physics at home", from January 12 to February 6, 2005.

  • Pirelli INTERNETional Award launches a special award for 2005. The award consists in a 25000 Euro check. The submissions must be interactive multimedia presentations (in about 5 minutes in English) of Einstein' Special Relativity Theory. The work must be sent by FTP or by an e-mail attachment before March 31, 2005.

  • L'ULg (Université de Liège) organizes on 18 January 2005 a special day with conferences and animations about the solar system. From 4 to 7 July 2005, an international conference on Astronomy will be organized with several activities for astronomers, the large public and journalists. In October-November 2005, two exhibitions will be organized: "Science et culture" on Physics and Chemistry and "Pendule de Foucault" for schools and the large public. A calendar World Year of Physics is also edited. A contest will be organized during the "Printemps des sciences".

Activities for school, high schools and university students:

  • EPOG (European Particle Physics Outreach Group) organizes Masterclasses for high school kids in particle physics with video link with different classes on an international scale. Participating Belgian Universities: UIA, VUB, ULB, UMH, UCL, from March 7 to March 18, 2005.

  • Les Jeunesses Scientifiques organize from 28 to 30 April in Heysel Palace in Brussels an Expo Science with a scientific contest for school students (French speaking). The winners of these contests can participate to the European union contest for young scientists (EUCYS), to be held in Moscow in 2005.

  • Physics Olympiads are organized in Belgium. For the Dutch speaking students, a contest called Vlaamse Fysica-Olympiade is organized every year by the department Wetenschap, Innovatie en Media van de Minister van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Inscription of the participants by school up to 29-11-2004 ( For the French and German speaking students, Olympiads are organized by ABPPC (Assoc. belge des profs chimie phys). Inscription before 6 December 2004. The winners of 2004 will participate in the launch of the WYP2005 in Paris from 13-15 January 2005. Candidates are selected among the winners for EUSO (European Union Science Olympiad) and for IPHO (International Physics Olympiad).

  • Les Jeunesses scientifiques and ORB/KMS are also implied in the project EONS submitted by the explorer Alain Hubert to the Funds for Innovation ALTRAN. The goal is to develop a pedagogic meteorological kit and distribute it in schools to contribute to the study of the global change.

  • UA, the University of Antwerp organizes the "Bridge project" ("brugproject"): school students of 4, 5 or 6th secondary (group of 10 on reservation) come to the RUCA laboratories (S216) on Wednesday afternoon (14-17h) or Saterday morning (9-12h), to work on all kinds of fascinating physics experiments.

  • LUC, Limburgs University Center: the Physics Department of LUC (in Diepenbeek) will organize the natural sciences contest 'Superteam' in end April 2005. Superteam is a meeting of teams of secondary school students from different institutes competing for the honorary title of Superteam. Large screen projections of worldwide modern physics will be animated. The role of physics in (and its impact on) other sciences will also be stressed.

  • FUNDP (Faculté Notre-Dame de la Paix of Namur) will organize a special day for secondary students with experiments (pendule Foucault), movies and conference

  • The Euro Space Center organizes Educational programmes for Schools with space camps to teach young people more about space sciences and techniques through different activities such as lessons concerning astronomy, the space shuttle, rockets, the international space station, space conquest, .., but also by more practical exercises : simulation of a space mission on board the american space shuttle simulator, building and launch of a micro rocket, exercising on various simulators used by the astronauts during their training. Space camps also welcome children between 10 and 18 years old during all school holidays.

  • La Société Royale Belge d'Astronomie, de Météorologie et de Physique du Globe (SRBA) organizes a second contest 'Prix Lucie Dekeyzer' for young people between 15 and 24 years. Prizes (astronomy instruments, telescopes, binoculars, subscriptions to "Ciel et Terre" journal...). See info on the contest in Ciel et Terre, March-April 2004.

  • KULeuven will organize a LERU-kids-university in the framework of the European science week for 10-12 year old kids in Fall 2005 in Leuven. 1000 children at each of the 10 participating universities in 8 EU countries and Switzerland will experience exciting experiments and lectures on physics

  • French speaking students participate in "Printemps des sciences" from 14-3 to 20-3-2005 and Flemisch schools in "Wetenschapfeest".

  • Science Across the World (SAW), the European Physical Society (EPS) and the Institute of Physics (IOP) launch an international poster competition for students between the ages of 10-16 years. The poster must illustrate 'The importance of Physics in Daily life'. All languages are allowed but the poster should be self-explanatory. Electronic (.doc, .pdf, .gif, .jpg, .ppt, html) and paper entries are welcome (format A3: 42X29.7cm) to sent to or to Karen Shoebottom, The Association for science Education, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts AL 10 9AA, United Kingdom. Prizes: 18 digital cameras. From 1 January. Deadline: 31 may 2005.

  • In January, primary schools will be invited in UMH (Université Mons-Hainaut) to discover Saturn on the occasion of Titan exploration by the European spacecraft Huygens. 14. L'Ulg (Université de Liège) proposes practical works to the students of 5 and 6th secondary school on Wednesday afternoons in the framework of "Scientifiques en herbe". Summer schools for children 5-8 year old are also organized by Réjouisciences.

Activities for teaching staff and physicists:

Scientific conferences:

  • BPS The Belgian Physical Society will organize a joint BPS-SFP International Scientific Meeting in Lille University (France) from 29 August to 2 September 2005. Young graduate, PhD students and post docs can participate in contests for the best thesis and the best oral/poster presentations.

  • The quadri-annual International Summer School "Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XI", will be held in in Leuven (La Foresta) on 3-18 September 2005

  • SCK-CEN will organize ICENES 2005 12th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Metropole Hotel, Brussels, Belgium, August 21-26, 2005. The main objective of ICENES 2005 is to provide an international scientific and technical forum for scientists, engineers, industry leaders, policy makers, decision makers and young professionals who will shape future requirements, for a broad review and discussion, at world level, of various advanced, innovative and non-conventional nuclear energy production systems. The proposed systems should contribute to a sustainable development of future energy production. The conference will be covering all innovative energy systems and in particular the nuclear ones.


  • KUL plans to organize four morning sessions about the modern physics for teachers of secondary schools in Technopolis (Mechelen).

  • Velewe will organize during the holidays of November (between 29-10 and 6-11) a study-trip to Leiden, The Netherlands, for science teachers. Aim: to promote science, scientifical research and scientific culture. Visits of the laboratories, museums and lectures.

  • VeLeWe (Vereniging Leraars Wetenschappen) and ABPCP (Assoc. belge des profs Phys. Chimie) organize also each year a meeting for school professors.

  • L'ISIB (Institut Supérieur industriel de Bruxelles) proposes activities (labo, talks and experiments) for secondary school students and teachers on the theme "La physique, ça s'applique"
    Necessary registration min 15 days before ( or •

    Nucl/A : La radioactivité dans notre environnement quotidien (*) Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo de physique nucléaire Mercredi 2 février 2005 à 14h30 • Jeudi 17 février 2005 à 14h30
    Nucl/B Datation d'objets anciens : l'apport de la physique (**) Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo de physique nucléaire Mercredi 19 janvier 2005 à 14h30 • Mardi 25 janvier 2005 à 14h30
    Nucl/C Analyse par fluorescence X dans l'industrie et le marché de l'art (**) Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo de physique nucléaire Mercredi 23 février 2005 à 14h30 • Jeudi 14 avril 2005 à 14h30
    Nucl/D Guérir le cancer par le rayonnement : la radiothérapie Exposé et visite du service de radiothérapie Clinique St Jean Mercredi 9 mars 2005 à 14h30 Elec/1 L'énergie solaire photovoltaïque (*) Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo d'électrotechnique Mercredi 26 janvier 2005 à 14h30 • Mardi 1er février 2005 à 14h30
    Meca/1 Les transformations de l'énergie dans les fluides: la mesure des débits Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo de mécanique appliquée Mercredi 16 février 2005 à 14h30 • Mardi 22 février 2005 à 14h30
    Meca/3 La physique au service de l'aviation: les moteurs à réaction Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo de mécanique appliquée Mercredi 16 mars 2005 à 14h30 • Mardi 22 mars 2005 à 14h30
    Meca/4 Les transformations de l'énergie dans un moteur thermique Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo de mécanique appliquée Mercredi 13 avril 2005 à 14h30 • Jeudi 21 avril 2005 à 14h30
    Meca/5 Les transformations de l'énergie en résistance des matériaux Exposé et démonstrations expérimentales Labo de mécanique appliquée Mercredi 27 avril 2005 à 14h30