United Kingdom

For further information related to British events, contact the Coordinator:
Prof. Caitlin Watson
The Institute of Physics
76 Portland Place London W1B 1NT UK
Email: caitlin.watson@iop.org

Useful links:


Einstein Year:
Aims: to interess young people and those who influence them about physics whilst building. Target audience: - 11-14 years and people who influence them - developing a programme of outreach activities taht appeal (activities that happen in places not normally associated with physics, activities that rely on creativity and imagination).

Einstein Year events database - Hundreds of events will be going on up and down the UK and Ireland for Einstein Year. Find out what's happening in your area by using the Einstein Year events database. You can search for events by location, keyword or type of event. Anyone who is running an event can add it to this database, so it will be constantly updated to with details of all events, big and small.

As well as the events run by local clubs and groups, there will be some national activities. A national programme of outreach activities is being put together for 11-14 year olds and the people who influence them. This programme is under development but current plans include:

Einstein on the Big Screen - 2-3 April. A film weekend in Bristol exploring both Einstein's and science's screen images.

Move over Einstein - Interact with imaginative exhibits at our touring hands-on exhibition and explore the ideas of contemporary physics.

UNIverse - Get creative and enter a poetry competition inspired by physics - the competition has now closed and winners will be announced soon!

Einstein's birthday - Celebrate March 14 with physics-based party games.

Lab in a Lorry - Experience real experimental physics as the lorries tour the UK & Ireland.

Metlink 2005 - Make, exchange and analyse weather observations with the help of meteorological professionals.

Visions of Science - A special Einstein Year award in the 2005 Visions of Science photography competition.

Einstein @ home - Join the search for gravitational waves without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Paperclip Physics - A competition where school children demonstrate a concept in physics to a non-scientist using household items (see photo).

Rambert Dance Company production - Enjoy modern dance inspired by Einstein and physics.

Science Go for it! - Girlguiding UK gets scientific with new activities and awards.

Pirelli Relativity Challenge 2005 - Develop a multimedia presentation that explains Special Relativity in five minutes.

Physics across the world - an international poster competition for 10-16 year olds worldwide.

EPS13- Beyond Einstein - the 13th general conference of the European Physical Society. 11-15th July, Bern, Switzerland.

Debates with a Difference - A new resource from sciZmic exploring all sides of the nuclear energy debate.